Why Do People Lie to Their Therapists? Mel Bornstein ClinicJanuary 24, 2019therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, lying, lie, shame, fear, trust
When Your Therapist Seems Very Different From You Mel Bornstein ClinicJanuary 8, 2019therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, CBT, Cognitive behavioral therapy
Usefulness of Transference during Therapy Mel Bornstein ClinicOctober 23, 2018Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, therapy, transference
When Cancer Strikes: Emotions Stirred by Physical Illness Mel Bornstein ClinicOctober 11, 2018Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, cancer, emotions, illness
8 Simple Steps for Starting Therapy Mel Bornstein ClinicOctober 2, 2018Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, therapy, CBT, Cognitive behavioral therapy
Why It’s Important to Get to the Root of Your Emotions Mel Bornstein ClinicAugust 30, 2018Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, therapy, emotions, Cognitive behavioral therapy
Which Talk Therapies Work Best With Teens and Children? Mel Bornstein ClinicAugust 17, 2018Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, therapy, trauma, Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, children, teens, teenagers
What is “trauma” and why is everybody talking about it? Mel Bornstein ClinicApril 20, 2018trauma, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, therapy, PTSD
Helping Parents Help Their Children Mel Bornstein ClinicApril 2, 2018children, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, therapy, illness, trauma
What Is Healthy Narcissism? Mel Bornstein ClinicMarch 21, 2018self-love, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, therapy, narciccism
Will Therapy Help Me Even If I'm Already on A Psychiatric Medication? Starting TherapyMel Bornstein ClinicJuly 9, 2017Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Medication
Psychoanalysis: Why Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Isn't Extinct Mel Bornstein ClinicJuly 6, 2017Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy